Imagine your business operations cleaner easier and faster
The Systems House’s Try and Buy offering will allow you to evaluate the MDS-Nx system with your Customers and Products.. The MDS-Nx Distribution System is a cost-effective, enterprise wide system specifically designed to meet the business challenges of Medical/Pharma distributors. Let us show you our system working with your information to make your operations cleaner easier and faster today.
For a Limited Time we are offering a FREE try before you buy implementation of the MDS-Nx System with your data on our cloud servers.
Click Here to start your try and buy today!!
Don’t be held back by standalone software systems that cut performance and profitability.
- Increase speed and precision of business processes, from sales orders to financials to purchasing
- Connect customers, manufacturers and partners across multiple systems, so the right products get to the right locations at the right times
- Configure and Manage Supplier and Customer Rebates with Contract Management/ GPO’s/Buying Groups
- Easily comply with complex Federal and State regulations
- Reduce risk through advanced ePedigree, DEA/ARCOS, narcotics and compliance reporting
- Track and Trace drugs across your entire supply chain for accurate reporting, pricing, recall and return purposes
- Utilize Websites and Social Media to increase customer visibility and expand your client base
Review our Industry Specific version of the MDS system with added benefits for:
MDS Healthcare provides scalability for rapid growth in targeted medical segments
o Pharmaceutical
o Medical/Surgical
o EMS - Emergency
o Physician
o Acute Care
o LTC/Home Health
Click Here to start your try and buy today!!
For more information on TSH or MDS call The Systems House, Inc. at 1-800- MDS-5556. Or send a message to
The Systems House, Inc. | 1033 Rt 46 East | Suite A201 | Clifton | NJ | 07013

The Systems House, Inc. | 1033 Rt 46 East | Suite A201 | Clifton | NJ | 07013
Click here and tell us how we can help you with your business solutions.