When working with distributors , we often fail to understand and build e-commerce strategies that have a meaningful business impact. We spend time and money making the process consumer friendly, but often lose site of the ultimate goal. Which is to provide the proper business tools to do their job.
"Assuming your customers want an Amazon experience may not be accurate"
According to Justin King, senior partner with B2X Partners in Ashburn, Va., and founder of ecommerceandB2B.com. King recently released a report evaluating seven different e-commerce platforms for manufacturers and distributors with revenues between $25 million and $750 million. Through his research, he picked up on several noteworthy differences between B2B and B2C (business-to-consumer) e-commerce.
The biggest of them is the fact that B2C customers come to your site because they want to, while B2B buyers are there because they have to be.

"They're not looking for the latest bag or informative reviews on athletic shoes. They're looking for very specific information," says King. "Did they bring those expectations over from Amazon? Yes, and they know that they can find information quickly on that site so they expect the same across the board."
To fulfill those demands, King says distributors should focus on delivering a consistent customer experience. Take the customer group that already knows what products it wants and the associated part numbers. That group wants to be able to log into an e-commerce platform, key in an order, hit "buy now," and then move along to the next task on its to-do list. What would happen if you presented the "Amazon Experience" to this group? Would it want to navigate all of the cool content, materials, videos, and other distractions on your site? Probably not.
"These customers just want a screen that allows them to key in a part number and a quantity—or, upload a spreadsheet of all of the products they want to order," says King. In most cases, procurement professionals who spend most of their time approving orders and paying invoices—not watching YouTube videos on the latest and greatest electrical applications—populate this customer group. "When you're dealing with these customers, the best thing you can do is give them the screens they need to do their jobs," says King. "Don't make the mistake of creating an Amazon experience for this customer."
The All-Important Online Search Function
King sees on-site search as a good starting point for any distributor that wants to make its customers' jobs easier. "When a B2B user visits a B2B company's site, it is improbable to know what problem the user is trying to solve or what that person is looking for," he writes in Your on-site search sucks; this is why you should fix it.
In the B2B e-commerce world, on-site search is extremely important. That's because a B2B company's products are typically complex with lots of details, specifications, attributes, and variants. And, there are usually a great many products to choose from—in the case of the typical distributor, that number could be in the hundreds of thousands or even millions. According to Justin King, most B2B users want their search to include:
- Manufacturer part number
- Competitor cross reference
- Part number matching (strip out special characters)
- Context – search should be personalized by who the user is (industry, company, role)
- Automated spell check
- Past orders – search and filter based on what the user has purchased in the past
"Even if the problem was known, it is unlikely to know how the user wants to solve that problem. What information do they have in front of them? Do they have a brand, product name, part number, competitor part number, or just generic attributes? You just don't know." Search allows the B2B user to find what they are looking for the way they want to find it. On-site search is now a standard among web sites, King adds, but not all on-site searches are equal.
"Good search is based on good data, so make product data and content a priority within your organization," says King. Focus on progress over perfection; keep working at building better and better data.
King says recent surveys show that 70% of customers want to be able to use a search box when they visit a website. This step is particularly important for distributors that sell tens of thousands of different products and parts. "Solve this problem for your customer and you'll definitely be making his or her job easier."
Providing Intuitive Follow Up
Going past search capabilities, the next step is to provide intuitive follow-up or action. In other words, once a customer has located a product on your site, he or she needs to be able to take the action by purchasing it, quoting it, getting more information about it, download spec sheets on it, and/or get some CAD drawings for it. "Whatever the action or conversion is, you need to make that next step as simple and intuitive as possible," says King.
From there, distributors can simplify their customers' jobs even further by providing the applicable contract terms and conditions, pricing, inventory availability, past invoices (i.e., for all purchases employees have made over the last six months), and other dashboard items that are of value to the customer. "You want your buyers to be able to quickly look at the top product categories and see what they've been buying from you," says King. "Customers that are shopping online want and expect that level of insight."
Know Your Customer
Drilling down down further into the various ways that distributors can develop great online experiences for their customers, King sees real opportunity for innovation—despite the fact that B2B e-commerce has been around for years. A distributor that works closely with clients within a specific region, for example, already knows that those clients need to be able to do their jobs.
This opens the door for the distributor whose online platform allows customers to pull up their online dashboards 24/7 and quickly create reorders, and see what items they are out of stock based upon purchases. Automatically make suggestions by customer class , and segment products so customers can see what other customers like them are buying.
So are you spending the time any effort add the features your customer wants or just making your site pretty and adding lots of pictures?
Focus on the details because that is what creates the big picture.
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